Our Lady of Lourdes Parish
De Pere, WI
June 14th
"It was an awesome experience," says Jody Strnad, Director of Music and Liturgy for Our Lady of Lourdes Church, De Pere Wisconsin. "I didn't want the day to end."
Our Lady of Lourdes Pastor, Father James Baraniak, O. Praem, Pastor, worked with Strnad in activities leading up to the relics visit of St. Bernadette. Two weeks before the visit, there was a viewing of The Song of Bernadette movie. Then, a week before, Father James Nielson, O. Praem gave a one-hour talk entitled Relics 101. The parish was prepared.
"There was something so special about the day," continues Strnad. "We had two virtual pilgrimages, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. They were presented by the North American volunteers, who did a spectacular job. After mass, when people were venerating the relics, many stories were shared. People brought rosaries and other religious items. We, as volunteers, would touch their item to the reliquary so they could then take home a third-class relic."
"It was such a privilege. We want to keep the spirit going so we will have another virtual pilgrimage on February 11th, our patronal feast day. The spirit of St. Bernadette, with God working through her, has touched us all," concludes Strnad.