Our Lady of Lourdes Church
Milltown, NJ
May 16th to May 18th
"We had a beautiful team that worked together on planning this visit," shared Fr. Mike Crummy, Our Lady of Lourdes, Milltown. "In a real sense, the presence of St. Bernadette injected life into the parish. We had the closing Mass on Tuesday, May 17th, and me and another priest heard confessions for at least an hour and one half afterwards, while two additional priests anointed the sick for the same time period. In a way, they were making a pilgrimage to Lourdes France here in Milltown. It shows the oneness of the Catholic faith."
"I wanted to complete my responsibility to St. Bernadette, so I led the driver to St. Peter's Hospital, where St. Bernadette had an opportunity to bring healing, spiritually, mentally and physically, to the sick," continued Fr. Crummy.